
The Nipigon Basin

"To protect, enhance and where necessary restore the natural ecosystems,
populations and wilderness quality of the Lake Nipigon Basin."
Goal of the Signature Site, MNR 2001

The Lake Nipigon Basin Signature Site

Land Use and Management Options (2001 research document, including maps.)

Key Brook Trout Management Strategies:

  • Restore brook trout populations to 1930s level of abundance and stock structure
  • Manage the brook trout fishery to achieve a success rate of one fish per two hours of fishing effort and one brook trout greater than 55 cm for every eight hours of fishing
  • "Sport fish management practices will be modified to ensure the sustainability and continued world class status of the Nipigon fishery."
  • "The Nipigon River will be managed for a high quality brook trout fishery, with the intent of maximizing the opportunity to catch a memorable sized fish."


Nipigon River
(read more)


The "Nepigon" as it was once spelled, was declared “ the finest trout stream in the world.” (Field & Stream 1887)


Quick facts about the river:

  • Length: 32 miles (51 km)
  • Descent: 313 feet (95 m)
  • Dams: (4) built 1918-1950
  • Flow: 5500 cu. ft/sec before dams
  • Flow: 50% increase after dams

The Nipigon River, famous for the quantity and size of its brook trout...(read more)


Lake Nipigon


Historically, Lake Nipigon has been called  “Alemibegong,” “Alemipigon,” “Nemipigon,” “Alimbeg,” etc. Later it was also called Lake Ste. Anne;
on Father Hennepin’s maps of 1682 and 1697 it is named Lake St. Joseph.


• Largest Lake entirely in Ontario, Canada

• Perimeter: 652 miles/1050 km

• North-south length: about 70 miles/110 km

• East-west width: about 50 miles/ 80 km

• Islands: about 500

• Maximum depth: 540 feet/ 165 meters

• Elevation: 1050 feet/320 meters

• Lake area is 90% water 10% Islands

• Maximum surface temperature on lake seldom exceeds 60 F/15 C

• Freeze-up: late December

• Ice break-up: late April - early May

• Water renewal time: 25.6 years

• 38 largest lake in the world

• Open water winds velocities during open water season often exceeds 18 miles/hr  30 km/hr

• Mean July temperature: 59 F/15 C

• Average summer duration: June 10 to September 5

• Average frost free period: 75 - 110 days

• Number of Indian Reserves in vicinity of lake: 4

• Permanent communities on the lake shore: 
MacDiamid and Orient Bay on Pijitawabik Bay, and Gull Bay

Lake Nipigon Map



This is dedicated to the memory of my friend Russell and all the good times we had fishing and exploring Lake Superior around our home town. "Yo..."


L A K E  S U P E R I O R  F A C T S 

• Length - 350 mi/563 km

• Breadth -160 mi/259 km

• Depth - 489 ft/149 m avg./1,335 ft/407 m max.

• Volume - 2,934 mi3/12,230 km3

• Water Surface Area - 31,700 mi2/82,100 km2

• Drainage Basin Area - 49,300 mi2/127,700 km2

• Shoreline Length (including islands) - 2,726 mi/4,385 km

• Retention/Replacement - 191 years

• Elevation - 600 ft/183 m

• Outlet - St. Mary's River to Lake Huron

A drop of water entering Lake Superior will remain in the lake an average of 191 years.

There is enough water in Lake Superior to flood all of North & South America to a depth of one foot.


1. Lake Superior is, by surface area, the world's largest freshwater lake.

2. Lake Superior contains 10% of all the earth's fresh surface water.

3. it takes almost two centuries for the water to be completely replaced.

4. The Lake Superior shoreline, if straightened out, could connect the tip of Florida to the tip of James Bay.

5. In the summer, the sun sets more than 35 minutes later on the western shore of Lake Superior than at its southeastern edge.

6. Some of the world's oldest rocks, about 2.7 billion years of age, can be found on the Ontario shore of Lake Superior yet it was formed during the last ice age only 10,000 years ago.

7. The average annual water temperature of Lake Superior is 40º F. It only very rarely freezes over completely, and then usually just for hours. The complete freezing of Lake Superior occurred in 1962, 1979, 2003 and 2009.

8. There have been about 350 shipwrecks recorded in Lake Superior.

9. There is enough water in Lake Superior to cover all of North and South America with water one foot deep.

10. There are 78 species of fish in the lake.
